Saturday, March 21, 2009

O' killer

And my mobile,
I dropped it.. holding your hands,
And the belt I pulled all to the ground,
Your moans and your Killer style,

And I held your waist to me,
you attacked my neck and chest,
the beast unleashed,
The fire.. Lem'me touch,
The views.. Lem'me see,

And My jeans,
You tore to the bottom,
And your dress I chained down,
Pulling out inches and inches of the gown,
We ran to the kisses watery and hot dry,
Really this of your leg little rose means,

And I entered in you with the force,
and you scream with a noise,
I have to do,
You left me with no choice,
and you are in need,
I am your man indeed,

We did it many times in a day,
whether be it chilling Jan
or Hot May..
The scratches you made,
reminds me here,
when I recall our Love and say,
Once again,
Let us feel the sweet pain.. !

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When u Take baTh

Jealous of water I am,
skin of which touches you,
Shower like springs of desert,
Jealous of dusts falling from you....

Jealous of sweat that leaving you,
how can be they so near to the shower,
How can they form over my Flower...

I have been printed on your T-shirt..
D Bad Rabbit, you see,
O' my goodness, it is you but.............Siddhartha

How wzz th8

ItZ my ChoiCe

My Heart zz Beating !